Chicken translation: Pilic cevirme Leave the door december: Kapiyi aralik birak Where is this waiter who I put?: Nerede bu kodumun garsonu? Clean family girl: Temiz aile kizi. Your hand is on the job your eye is on playing: Elin iste gozun oynasta Sensitive meat ball: icli kofte. Urinate quickly, satan mixes: Acele ise seytan karisir There is no saturation to her observations: Onun gozlemelerine doyum olmaz Man doesn't become from you: Senden adam olmaz Enter the desk: Siraya gir Look my ram, I'm an Anatolian child, if I put, you sit.: Bak kocum ben Anadolu cocuguyum bir koyarsam oturursun Aeroplane out of the fart, say hi to that sweetheart: Osuruktanteyyare, selam söyle o yare Master !! do something burning-turning in the middle: Usta !! Ortaya yanardoner bisi yapsana Exploded egypt has escaped to my bosphorus: Bogazima patlamis mısır kacti In every job there is a no: Her iste bir hayir vardir She is such a mother's eye girl: Cok anasinin gozu bir kiz Don't die my donkey, don't die: Olme esegim olme Don't make me number: Bana numara yapma I will sew fig tree to your January! : Ocagina incir agaci dikecegim -ALINTI- Komik Fıkralar(ADVANCED ENGLISH) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (kişisel gelişim, fıkra, fikra, fıkralar, komik fıkralar, fıkracı, kişisel başarı) (Editör)

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